A full-service advertising agency

Laura Helton

Laura Helton
Laura graduated with a BA in Communications from Indiana Wesleyan. She served in the Air Force Reserves for a decade before diving into the marketing world. She loves the challenge of figuring out what drives an audience and how to connect with them through written communication and visuals. When she’s not at work, you can find Laura at the yoga studio, snuggling with her pups, or watching her kids play baseball and run cross country.
Laura lives in Frankfort with her fiance, Cameron; their six children, Lorelei, Aiden, Liam, Hazelle, Cooper, and Maggie, along with their pups, Mando and Murph.

Q&A with Laura
What are your hobbies?
I love playing the guitar, baking, getting outside (only if it’s warm), and decorating and designing spaces!
What are three things you want to do someday?
- Backpack a really long distance.
- Travel the world! Truly, I would love to visit every country if I could!
- Take a beach vacation with my hubby-to-be!
What would people be surprised to know about you?
I love tattoos and I have like a dozen!
Late to bed or early to rise?
Early to bed and early to rise! I am often awake between 2am-5am as well! Mom brain!
What gadget could you not live without and why?
My mini-van. Does that count? It’s my home away from home. The automation and space is aaaamazing.