A full-service advertising agency

Jill Blume

Jill Blume
As you walk into our office, the smile you see belongs to none other than Jill Blume. With her unique background as a development director, event planner and administrator, Jill keeps our office moving and is constantly improving our processes. Her organizational talents and gift of hospitality shine through for our clients, and she takes pretty darn good care of us, too.
Jill lives in West Lafayette with her husband, Donald; their sons, Maxwell and Eli; and their yellow Labrador, Bella. A golden-hued diva who does not play fetch.

Q&A with Jill
What are your hobbies?
Exercising and napping. Could they be on more opposite ends of the spectrum?
People would be surprised if they knew:
Back in the day, I worked at the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. Part of my job included educational animal presentations. Gertie, a member of our slithering reptiles, was a 12-foot long boa constrictor who I held on to just as tightly as she held me as I introduced her to visitors.
What’s your favorite sport to play?
Just like my dog Bella, I don’t “do” sports. However, I do like falling asleep on Sunday afternoons while listening to golf on television. The calming whispers of the commentators put me to sleep every time.
Favorite band or artist?
I have to go with the Eagles. You can always count on classic rock for a good time and great memories.
What gadget could you not live without and why?
My Keurig. It makes coffee for me every morning and that makes me a kinder, gentler human being.